Monday, August 6, 2012

Ready for a new day!

Today is one of those days that you say,"I'm ready for a new day". A new beginning,a new attitude, and a new outlook. Everyday in our life isn't going to be perfect. In fact,there will be some days that we just wish we had skipped. Today is that day for me. I'm ready for tomorrow and I'm praying for a better outlook. I know that no matter what kind of day that we have, that God is right there with us. Some days that is even hard to grasp. There are going to be days and things in our life that we don't quite understand, but we have to have faith that God knows what he is doing. I know that in a few hours the sun will be coming up and it will be a new day. I have to make the decision to make it the best day that I can. Today I don't understand why some things happen, but tomorrow the picture will start coming together. Lord, please help me to see what you have in store for me. Help me to keep a good attitude no matter how bad the day or days may be. Lord help me to see the joy in the day and not the negative. Let me allow you to guide and lead each day with the faith that all things will work together. May your days be bright and blessed :)